After 4-weeks of intensive coursework and testing, our class took the National Registry EMT exam. For many, the certification would not directly impact their career or next steps in life, but for all, the education gained would be readily put to use given the need and opportunity. I'm so proud of all of my peers, a group of strangers that met less than a month prior, who shared sleeping, bathroom, training and classroom quarters all nestled within the same economically sized building, shared nights on the ridgetop watching meteor showers, breakfast lunch and dinner at the same tables, adventurous days in Yosemite conquering mountains and domes for that matter, afternoons practicing patient assessments on one another and evenings studying new course material in small ad hoc groups. For a month we did life together, got to know one another, encouraged, challenged and studied one another - I could not have picked a finer group of peers and instructors to grow with. Congrats Midpines 08/10 WEMT crew!!
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